Eugene Lim is the author of the novels Fog & Car (Ellipsis Press, 2008; Coffee House Press 2024), The Strangers (Black Square Editions, 2013; new edition forthcoming from Coffee House Press), Dear Cyborgs (FSG Originals, 2017), and Search History (Coffee House Press, 2021). His writings have appeared in The New Yorker, The Believer, The Baffler, Granta, Dazed, Little Star, The Denver Quarterly, The Brooklyn Rail, Your Impossible Voice, Vestiges and elsewhere. He has taught at Columbia University, Long Island University, and Queens College, and is the librarian at Hunter College High School. He is the publisher of Ellipsis Press and lives in Jackson Heights, NY, with Joanna and Felix.
Here are some interviews.
Here’s some recent writing.
Here’s a list of past and future events.
Here’s an essay on experimental writing defined as an integral / lower limit WCW / upper limit Audre Lorde.
And here’s an attempt to answer the question, What Happened to the Avant-Garde?
Agent: Marya Spence, Janklow & Nesbit | mspence@janklow.com
Email: eugenelim@protonmail.com
IG: @Frank_Exit