“No Machine Could Do It” in Granta magazine

 Granta 145

very happy to have new fiction called “No Machine Could Do It” in latest Granta magazine.

I’d become friends with a Public Intellectual. He handled everything: scandal, sex, politics, political sex scandals, racism, weather, the racism of weather, Japanese cartoons. Everything was under his purview, but his specialty was the Future. He was a much more successful colleague at the university where I would occasionally adjunct. Several years ago entirely by accident, when collecting some papers from our department’s office, not knowing who he was, I saw him standing next to the faculty mailboxes with a copy of a book I’d just read. I was younger and new to the place and excitable – and so I started up a brief conversation about the book…

Read the rest at Granta (behind a paywall) at: https://granta.com/no-machine-could-do-it/

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