I’ll be reading at Poetry Project on 12/14/09 with Justin Sirois

R.B.Kitaj, For Love (Creeley)

R.B.Kitaj, For Love (Creeley)

on the difference between prose and poetry, i always liked it that robert creeley, in a preface to his collected fiction, lumped them as: “all a compact of words, surely.” another poet friend once told me the difference was: line breaks. in any case a blur, a strange boundary, sometimes a rubicon beach.

which is mentioned only as preface for invitation to a night of readings by me and Justin Sirois on monday, december 14, 2009 at 8PM at the poetry project at st. marks church.

more info here: http://poetryproject.org/program-calendar/eugene-lim-justin-sirois.html


justin sirois blogs at secondarysound.blogspot.com and  is founder and codirector of Narrow House, an experimental writing publishing collective. He received Maryland State Art Council grants for poetry in 2003 and 2007. His books include Secondary Sound (BlazeVOX Books) and MLKNG SCKLS (Publishing Genius). Currently, Justin is trying to find a publisher for his first novel written in collaboration with Iraqi refugee Haneen Alshujairy about displaced Iraqis living in Fallujah in April of ’04. He also is a designer for Edge Books.

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